Charlene and I went to a jazz/blues festival in Rochester this past weekend. Most of the music was very good, especially some great players from Chicago (see Joe Moss on YouTube!).
At one point the inevitable happened, someone got the really bad idea to stand in front of the stage and dance. This wasn't adequate dancing, it wasn't even bad was simply horrific. This was the ugliest, un-hip, pocket protector, engineer geeky dancing you've ever seen. What made it worse was the fact that he was dancing in an uneven field that had been earlier plowed and used for crops.
I turned to Charlene and said, "I think this music is going to cure my cancer!"
"What! How's that?" she replied.
"'Cause when that guy up there falls down, I'm going to laugh my butt off!"
Okay, I heard the joke before, but the video is hilarious. Don't drink anything while you're watching the video - I'm still cleaning my keyboard!