I haven't posted anything for awhile and I'm always amazed at the number of people who approach me to say that they're following this blog and enjoy reading. For a long time I asked myself, "Why do they care to read anything I've written? I'm not that good a writer and my 'medical drama' is winding down at this point." It dawned on me after worship this past weekend, after a long line of people approached me to assure me of their prayer, that those who follow this blog don't do it for the high literary value of the writing...they do it because they love me. (I'm a little slow sometimes.) Thank you.
I was supposed to begin the final round of chemo (three bi-weekly treatments) last Friday, but the surgeon decided I needed one more week of recuperation before they "release the hounds" again. I had no objections; another week to enjoy a normal life, get work done and stay involved in the worship ministry. Mick and I had worked out a detailed plan to cover choir rehearsals and lead the Adoration Service; now it's 180 degrees out of phase. "Blessed are the flexible."
So, chemo will resume on Friday, Feb 11. Gets me out of buying an expensive Valentine's Day dinner for Charlene (believe me, I'd much rather ditch the chemo and spend big bucks on my wife!). The end is in sight. By the time we get to mid-March, I'll be through with chemo and will be able to get life back in order.
At our staff devotional time the other day, one of the pastors talked about joy and asked people to share recent blessings in their life that bring them joy. A handful of people shared some interesting and significant things that had recently happened in their life. As I built my mental list, I discovered that as a result of my cancer battle I am finding joy in simple, everyday blessings that I once overlooked. I walk out the door in the morning in this brutal cold (-10 !!) and am thankful for the strength to walk to the car. I drive to work singing "All Creatures of our God and King" or "Holy, Holy, Holy" and am thankful for a voice to sing. I step into my office and see yesterday's stack of jobs and a growing "to do" list and am thankful for a job where I'm needed and can make a contribution. And don't even get me started on the list of blessings I count when I get back home at the end of a busy day.
I'm looking forward to this all being over. In the mean time, it's all good.
I continue to pray for your complete recovery. God is watching over you. Praise God that He has given you courage and strength as you have gone through this ordeal with cancer. Our God reigns!!!